Mining Solutions and Innovation Specialists
Mining Solutions and Innovation Specialists
An important aspect of social responsibility is how Ventsec support the communities where we live and work.
Ventsec management and employees, through their liberal spirit and willingness to be involved are a natural extension into our local communities.
Here are some highlights of Ventsec’s community relations activities across our regions of business.
Major Sponsor 2021 – 2022 Adamstown youth football development
VIEW Clubs of Australia
VIEW stands for the Voice, Interests and Education of Women.
VIEW is a leading women's national volunteer organisation, providing the opportunity for women from all walks of life to meet regularly, establish lasting friendships and help disadvantaged Australian children through supporting the work of children’s charity, The Smith Family. Driven by the mission of creating social change in Australian communities, VIEW empowers women to have their voices on issues of importance for the future wellbeing of Australian society.
There is close to 300 VIEW Clubs around Australia open to women of all ages. VIEW offers a friendship network, providing fun and a sense of purpose for members through supporting the education of disadvantaged Australian children.
As a valued part of The Smith Family, VIEW members help to change the lives of young Australians in need through fundraising, volunteering, advocating and sponsoring disadvantaged students on The Smith Family's Learning for Life program.
Together VIEW Clubs sponsor more than 1,550+ disadvantaged students through the Learning for Life program.
Ventsec assists with prizes and donations that support the Smith Families Learning for Life Program at the Mudgee Day VIEW Club. This club was formed in 1970 and currently sponsors twenty-two Smith Family Learning for Life students.
Caloundra Womens Rugby League Program 2023
Ventsec are proud to sponsor the women’s open team assisting them to embark on a tour to Fiji where they will provide the local community with much appreciated rugby equipment along with some friendly rugby whilst immersing themselves in the local culture.
A fantastic culture building trip for the women's program and Ventsec would like to wish this group of ladies the very best and commend them on their efforts both on and off field.
Maitland Football Youth Boys 2023
Ventsec senior management have an extensive football and sporting history and believe giving back to communities through youth sports development to assist advancement in future sports persons and the general well-being of our future generations.
At MFC, the youth programs benefit the players with structure which Ventsec support in this community-based program.
Health benefits Teamwork Discipline Mental toughness Socialisation